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Create your own definition of success

#clarity #highperformance #success Jun 30, 2020

Start with clarity 

We are living in a world that very much focuses on & and celebrates success. 
But what is success & what does it mean to YOU?...

The first step in achieving anything is always clarity.
In today's video I'll be helping you create clarity about what success means to YOU and also help You craft your own unique definition of success.

No matter what your dreams and goals may be, stay true to yourself and the calling in your heart. Be dedicated. Be courageous. 

Because that is how you'll grow and that is how you'll live your most fulfilling and extraordinary life AND also give your best to the world. 

Dream BIG. Reach for the stars and always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

With so much Love & admiration, Maria 

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PS again
Quite soon, in a later video we will also talk about values.